Les caractères en html
Caractères Spéciaux

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
♥black heart
♠black spade
♦black diamond
♣black club
##number sign
@@commercial at
™trade mark

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
–figure dash
—em dash
‘left single quotation mark
’right single quotation mark
‚single low-9 quotation mark
“left double quotation mark
”right double quotation mark
„double low-9 quotation mark
‡ ou ‡double dagger
‥two dot leader
… ou …horizontal ellipsis
″double prime
⁁caret insertion point
⁄fraction slash
¡¡inverted exclamation
¿¿inverted question
** or *asterisk
­­soft hyphen
‹single left-pointing angle quotation
›single right-pointing angle quotation
««left-pointing double angle quotation
»»right-pointing double angle quotation
((left parenthesis
))right parenthesis
[[ ou [left square bracket
]] ou ]right square bracket
{{ ou {left curly bracket
}} ou }right curly bracket
|| ou |vertical line
 en space
 em space
 thin space
‌zero width non-joiner
‍zero width joiner
‎left-to-right mark
‏right-to-left mark

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
℅care of
ℏ ou ℏplanck constant over two pi
ℑ ou ℑblack-letter capital i
ℓscript small l
℘script capital p
ℜblack-letter capital r
℞prescription take

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
½½ ou ½vulgar fraction one half
⅓vulgar fraction one third
⅔vulgar fraction two thirds
¼¼vulgar fraction one quarter
¾¾vulgar fraction three quarters
⅕vulgar fraction one fifth
⅖vulgar fraction two fifths
⅗vulgar fraction three fifths
⅘vulgar fraction four fifths
⅙vulgar fraction one sixth
⅚vulgar fraction five sixths
⅛vulgar fraction one eighth
⅜vulgar fraction three eighths
⅝vulgar fraction five eighths
⅞vulgar fraction seven eighths

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
←leftwards arrow
↑upwards arrow
→rightwards arrow
↓downwards arrow
↔left right arrow
↕up down arrow
↖north west arrow
↗north east arrow
↘south east arrow
↙south west arrow
↝rightwards wave arrow
↞leftwards two headed arrow
↟upwards two headed arrow
↠rightwards two headed arrow
↡downwards two headed arrow
↰upwards arrow with tip leftwards
↱upwards arrow with tip rightwards
↲downwards arrow with tip leftwards
↳downwards arrow with tip rightwards
↵downwards arrow with corner leftwards
↶anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
↷clockwise top semicircle arrow
↺anticlockwise open circle arrow
↻clockwise open circle arrow
↼leftwards harpoon with barb upwards
↽leftwards harpoon with barb downwards
↾upwards harpoon with barb rightwards
↿upwards harpoon with barb leftwards
⇀rightwards harpoon with barb upwards
⇁rightwards harpoon with barb downwards
⇂downwards harpoon with barb rightwards
⇃downwards harpoon with barb leftwards
⇄rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
⇅upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
⇆leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
⇇leftwards paired arrows
⇈upwards paired arrows
⇉rightwards paired arrows
⇊downwards paired arrows
⇋leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon
⇌rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon
⇐leftwards double arrow
⇑upwards double arrow
⇒rightwards double arrow
⇓downwards double arrow
⇔left right double arrow
⇕up down double arrow
⇖north west double arrow
⇗north east double arrow
⇘south east double arrow
⇙south west double arrow
⇽leftwards open-headed arrow
⇾rightwards open-headed arrow
⇿left right open-headed arrow

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
<&lt;less-than sign
>&gt;greater-than sign
&forall;for all
&part;partial differentiale
&exist;there exists
&nexist;there does not exist
&empty;empty set
&isin; ou &in;element of
&notin;not an element of
&ni; ou &niv;contains as member
&notni;does not contain as member
&prod;n-ary product
&coprod;n-ary coproduct
&sum;n-ary summation
&minus;minus sign
&mnplus; ou &mp;minus-or-plus sign
&dotplus;dot plus
&lowast;asterisk operator
&radic;square root
&prop; ou &propto;proportional to
&angrt;right angle
&ang; ou &angle;angle
&angmsd;measured angle
&angsph;spherical angle
&nmid;does not divide
&parallel; ou &par;parallel to
&nparallel;not parallel to
&and;logical and
&or;logical or
&Cap;double intersection
&Cup;double union
&Int;double integral
&tint; ou &iiint;triple integral
&conint;contour integral
&Conint;surface integral
&Cconint;volume integral
&there4; ou &therefore;therefore
&sim;tilde operator
&acd;sine wave
&cong;approximately equal to
&symp;almost equal to
&ape;almost equal or equal to
&ne;not equal to
&equiv;identical to
&le;less-than or equal to
&ge;greater-than or equal to
&leqq;less-than over equal to
&geqq;greater-than over equal to
&lneqq; ou &lnE;less-than but not equal to
&gneqq; ou &gnEgreater-than but not equal to
&Lt; ou &ll;much less-than
&Gt; ou &gg;much greater-than
&nlt;not less-than
&ngt;not greater-than
&nle;neither less-than nor equal to
&nge;neither greater-than nor equal to
&lg;less-than or greater-than
&gl;greater-than or less-than
&sub;subset of
&sup;superset of
&nsub;not a subset of
&nsup;not a superset of
&sube;subset of or equal to
&supe;superset of or equal to
&nsube;neither a subset of nor equal to
&nsupe;neither a superset of nor equal to
&subne;subset of with not equal to
&supne;superset of with not equal to
&cupdot;multiset multiplication
&sqsub;square image of
&sqsup;square original of
&sqsube;square image of or equal to
&sqsupe;square original of or equal to
&sqcap;square cap
&sqcup;square cup
&oplus;circled plus
&ominus;circled minus
&otimes;circled times
&osol;circled division slash
&odot;circled dot operator
&ocir;circled ring operator
&oast;circled asterisk operator
&odash;circled dash
&boxplus;squared plus
&boxminus;squared minus
&boxtimes;squared times
&dotsquare;squared dot operator
&bot; ou &perp;up tack
&xcap;n-ary intersection
&xcup;n-ary union
&sdot;dot operator
&lthree;left semidirect product
&rthree;right semidirect product
&Ll;very much less-than
&Gg; ou &ggg;very much greater-than
&leg;less-than equal to or greater-than
&gel;greater-than equal to or less-than
&vellip;vertical ellipsis
&ctdot;midline horizontal ellipsis
&utdot;up right diagonal ellipsis
&dtdot;down right diagonal ellipsis
±&plusmn; ou &pm;plus-minus
÷&div; ou &divide;division
¹&sup1;superscript one
²&sup2;superscript two
³&sup3;superscript three
º&ordm;masculine ordinal indicator
ª&ordf;feminine ordinal indicator

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
&lceil;left ceiling
&rceil;right ceiling
&lfloor;left floor
&rfloor;right floor
&bnot;reversed not sign
&lang;left-pointing angle bracket
&rang;right-pointing angle bracket
&tbrk;top square bracket
&bbrktbrk;bottom square bracket
&bbrk;bottom square bracket over top square bracket
&OverParenthesis;top parenthesis
&UnderParenthesis;bottom parenthesis
&OverBrace;top curly bracket
&UnderBrace;bottom curly bracket

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
&boxh;box drawings light horizontal
&boxv;box drawings light vertical
&boxdr;box drawings light down and right
&boxdl;box drawings light down and left
&boxur;box drawings light up and right
&boxul;box drawings light up and left
&boxvr;box drawings light vertical and right
&boxvl;box drawings light vertical and left
&boxhd;box drawings light down and horizontal
&boxhu;box drawings light up and horizontal
&boxvh;box drawings light vertical and horizontal
&boxH;box drawings double horizontal
&boxV;box drawings double vertical
&boxdR;box drawings down single and right double
&boxDr;box drawings down double and right single
&boxDR;box drawings double down and right
&boxdL;box drawings down single and left double
&boxDl;box drawings down double and left single
&boxDL;box drawings double down and left
&boxuR;box drawings up single and right double
&boxUr;box drawings up double and right single
&boxUR;box drawings double up and right
&boxuL;box drawings up single and left double
&boxUl;box drawings up double and left single
&boxUL;box drawings double up and left
&boxvR;box drawings vertical single and right double
&boxVr;box drawings vertical double and right single
&boxVR;box drawings double vertical and right
&boxvL;box drawings vertical single and left double
&boxVl;box drawings vertical double and left single
&boxVL;box drawings double vertical and left
&boxHd;box drawings down single and horizontal double
&boxhD;box drawings down double and horizontal single
&boxHD;box drawings double down and horizontal
&boxHu;box drawings up single and horizontal double
&boxhU;box drawings up double and horizontal single
&boxHU;box drawings double up and horizontal
&boxvH;box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
&boxVh;box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
&boxVH;box drawings double vertical and horizontal
&blk14;light shade
&blk12;medium shade
&blk34;dark shade
&squ;white square
&squf;black small square
&rect;white rectangle
&fltns;white parallelogram
&utrif;black up-pointing small triangle
&utri;white up-pointing small triangle
&rtrif;black right-pointing small triangle
&rtri;white right-pointing small triangle
&dtrif;black down-pointing small triangle
&dtri;white down-pointing small triangle
&ltrif;black left-pointing small triangle
&ltri;white left-pointing small triangle
&cir;white circle
&loz;white lozenge
&tridot;white up-pointing triangle with dot

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
¤&curren;currency sign

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
α&alpha;small alpha
Α&Alpha;capital alpha
β&beta;small beta
Β&Beta;capital beta
γ&gamma;small gamma
Γ&Gamma;capital gamma
δ&delta;small delta
Δ&Delta;capital delta
ε&epsilonsmall epsilon
Ε&Epsilon;capital epsilon
ζ&zeta;small zeta
Ζ&Zeta;capital zeta
η&eta;small eta
Η&Eta;capital eta
θ&theta;small theta
Θ&Theta;capital theta
ι&iota;small iota
Ι&Iota;capital iota
κ&kappa;small kappa
Κ&Kappa;capital kappa
λ&lambda;small lambda
Λ&Lambda;capital lambda
μ&mu;small mu
Μ&Mu;capital mu
ν&nu;small nu
Ν&Nu;capital nu
ξ&xi;small xi
Ξ&Xi;capital xi
ο&omicron;small omicron
Ο&Omicron;capital omicron
π&pi;small pi
Π&Pi;capital pi
ρ&rho;small rho
Ρ&Rho;capital rho
σ&sigma;small sigma
ς&sigmaf;sigma final
Σ&Sigma;capital sigma
τ&tau;small tau
Τ&Tau;capital tau
υ&upsilon;small upsilon
Υ&Upsilon;capital upsilon
φ&phi;small phi
Φ&Phi;capital phi
χ&chi;small chi
Χ&Chi;capital chi
ψ&psi;small psi
Ψ&Psi;capital psi
ω&omega;small omega
Ω&Omega;capital omega

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
á&aacute;latin small letter a with acute
Á&Aacute;latin capital letter a with acute
ă&abreve;latin small letter a with breve
Ă&Abreve;latin capital letter a with breve
â&acirc;latin small letter a with circumflex
Â&Acirc;latin capital letter a with circumflex
à&agrave;latin small letter a with grave
À&Agrave;latin capital letter a with grave
ā&amacr;latin small letter a with macron
Ā&Amacr;latin capital letter a with macron
ą&aogon;latin small letter a with ogonek
Ą&Aogon;latin capital letter a with ogonek
å&aring;latin small letter a with ring above
Å&Aring;latin capital letter a with ring above
ã&atilde;latin small letter a with tilde
Ã&Atilde;latin capital letter a with tilde
ä&auml;latin small letter a with diaeresis
Ä&Auml;latin capital letter a with diaeresis
æ&aelig;latin small letter ae
Æ&AElig;latin capital letter ae
ć&cacute;latin small letter c with acute
Ć&Cacute;latin capital letter c with acute
č&ccaron;latin small letter c with caron
Č&Ccaron;latin capital letter c with caron
ç&ccedil;latin small letter c with cedilla
Ç&Ccedil;latin capital letter c with cedilla
ĉ&ccirc;latin small letter c with circumflex
Ĉ&Ccirc;latin capital letter c with circumflex
ċ&cdot;latin small letter c with dot above
Ċ&Cdot;latin capital letter c with dot above
ď&dcaron;latin small letter d with caron
Ď&Dcaron;latin capital letter d with caron
đ&dstrok;latin small letter d with stroke
Đ&Dstrok;latin capital letter d with stroke
é&eacute;latin small letter e with acute
É&Eacute;latin capital letter e with acute
ě&ecaron;latin small letter e with caron
Ě&Ecaron;latin capital letter e with caron
ê&ecirc;latin small letter e with circumflex
Ê&Ecirc;latin capital letter e with circumflex
ė&edot;latin small letter e with dot above
Ė&Edot;latin capital letter e with dot above
è&egrave;latin small letter e with grave
È&Egrave;latin capital letter e with grave
ē&emacr;latin small letter e with macron
Ē&Emacr;latin capital letter e with macron
ŋ&eng;latin small letter eng
Ŋ&ENG;latin capital letter eng
ę&eogon;latin small letter e with ogonek
Ę&Eogon;latin capital letter e with ogonek
ð&eth;latin small letter eth
Ð&ETH;latin capital letter eth
ë&euml;latin small letter e with diaeresis
Ë&Euml;latin capital letter e with diaeresis
ğ&gbreve;latin small letter g with breve
Ğ&Gbreve;latin capital letter g with breve
Ģ&Gcedil;latin capital letter g with cedilla
ĝ&gcirc;latin small letter g with circumflex
Ĝ&Gcirc;latin capital letter g with circumflex
ġ&gdot;latin small letter g with dot above
Ġ&Gdot;latin capital letter g with dot above
ĥ&hcirc;latin small letter h with circumflex
Ĥ&Hcirc;latin capital letter h with circumflex
ħ&hstrok;latin small letter h with stroke
Ħ&Hstrok;latin capital letter h with stroke
í&iacute;latin small letter i with acute
Í&Iacute;latin capital letter i with acute
î&icirc;latin small letter i with circumflex
Î&Icirc;latin capital letter i with circumflex
ì&igrave;latin small letter i with grave
Ì&Igrave;latin capital letter i with grave
ij&ijlig;latin small ligature ij
IJ&IJlig;latin capital ligature ij
ī&imacr;latin small letter i with macron
Ī&Imacr;latin capital letter i with macron
ı&inodot;latin small letter dotless i
į&iogon;latin small letter i with ogonek
Į&Iogon;latin capital letter i with ogonek
ĩ&itilde;latin small letter i with tilde
Ĩ&Itilde;latin capital letter i with tilde
ï&iuml;latin small letter i with diaeresis
Ï&Iuml;latin capital letter i with diaeresis
ĵ&jcirc;latin small letter j with circumflex
Ĵ&Jcirc;latin capital letter j with circumflex
ķ&kcedil;latin small letter k with cedilla
Ķ&Kcedil;latin capital letter k with cedilla
ĸ&kgreen;latin small letter kra
ĺ&lacute;latin small letter l with acute
Ĺ&Lacute;latin capital letter l with acute
ľ&lcaron;latin small letter l with caron
Ľ&Lcaron;latin capital letter l with caron
ļ&lcedil;latin small letter l with cedilla
Ļ&Lcedil;latin capital letter l with cedilla
ŀ&lmidot;latin small letter l with middle dot
Ŀ&Lmidot;latin capital letter l with middle dot
ł&lstrok;latin small letter l with stroke
Ł&Lstrok;latin capital letter l with stroke
ń&nacute;latin small letter n with acute
Ń&Nacute;latin capital letter n with acute
ʼn&napos;latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe
ň&ncaron;latin small letter n with caron
Ň&Ncaron;latin capital letter n with caron
ņ&ncedil;latin small letter n with cedilla
Ņ&Ncedil;latin capital letter n with cedilla
ñ&ntilde;latin small letter n with tilde
Ñ&Ntilde;latin capital letter n with tilde
ó&oacute;latin small letter o with acute
Ó&Oacute;latin capital letter o with acute
ô&ocirc;latin small letter o with circumflex
Ô&Ocirc;latin capital letter o with circumflex
ő&odblac;latin small letter o with double acute*
Ő&Odblac;latin capital letter o with double acute
œ&oelig;latin small ligature oe
Œ&OElig;latin capital ligature oe
ò&ograve;latin small letter o with grave
Ò&Ograve;latin capital letter o with grave
ō&omacr;latin small letter o with macron
Ō&Omacr;latin capital letter o with macron
ø&oslash;latin small letter o with stroke
Ø&Oslash;latin capital letter o with stroke
õ&otilde;latin small letter o with tilde
Õ&Otilde;latin capital letter o with tilde
ö&ouml;latin small letter o with diaeresis
Ö&Ouml;latin capital letter o with diaeresis
ŕ&racute;latin small letter r with acute
Ŕ&Racute;latin capital letter r with acute
ř&rcaron;latin small letter r with caron
Ř&Rcaron;latin capital letter r with caron
ŗ&rcedil;latin small letter r with cedilla
Ŗ&Rcedil;latin capital letter r with cedilla
ś&sacute;latin small letter s with acute
Ś&Sacute;latin capital letter s with acute
š&scaron;latin small letter s with caron
Š&Scaron;latin capital letter s with caron
ş&scedil;latin small letter s with cedilla
Ş&Scedil;latin capital letter s with cedilla
ŝ&scirc;latin small letter s with circumflex
Ŝ&Scirc;latin capital letter s with circumflex
ß&szlig;latin small letter sharp s
ť&tcaron;latin small letter t with caron
Ť&Tcaron;latin capital letter t with caron
ţ&tcedil;latin small letter t with cedilla
Ţ&Tcedil;latin capital letter t with cedilla
þ&thorn;latin small letter thorn
Þ&THORN;latin capital letter thorn
ŧ&tstrok;latin small letter t with stroke
Ŧ&Tstrok;latin capital letter t with stroke
ú&uacute;latin small letter u with acute
Ú&Uacute;latin capital letter u with acute
ŭ&ubreve;latin small letter u with breve
Ŭ&Ubreve;latin capital letter u with breve
û&ucirc;latin small letter u with circumflex
Û&Ucirc;latin capital letter u with circumflex
ű&udblac;latin small letter u with double acute
Ű&Udblac;latin capital letter u with double acute
ù&ugrave;latin small letter u with grave
Ù&Ugrave;latin capital letter u with grave
ū&umacr;latin small letter u with macron
Ū&Umacr;latin capital letter u with macron
ų&uogon;latin small letter u with ogonek
Ų&Uogon;latin capital letter u with ogonek
ů&uring;latin small letter u with ring above
Ů&Uring;latin capital letter u with ring above
ũ&utilde;latin small letter u with tilde
Ũ&Utilde;latin capital letter u with tilde
ü&uuml;latin small letter u with diaeresis
Ü&Uuml;latin capital letter u with diaeresis
ŵ&wcirc;latin small letter w with circumflex
Ŵ&Wcirc;latin capital letter w with circumflex
ý&yacute;latin small letter y with acute
Ý&Yacute;latin capital letter y with acute
ŷ&ycirc;latin small letter y with circumflex
Ŷ&Ycirc;latin capital letter y with circumflex
ÿ&yuml;latin small letter y with diaeresis
Ÿ&Yuml;latin capital letter y with diaeresis
ź&zacute;latin small letter z with acute
Ź&Zacute;latin capital letter z with acute
ž&zcaron;latin small letter z with caron
Ž&Zcaron;latin capital letter z with caron
ż&zdot;latin small letter z with dot above
Ż&Zdot;latin capital letter z with dot above

AperçuCode htmlDésignation
 &nbsp;no-break space
&alefsym;alef symbol
ϑ&thetasym;theta symbol
ϖ&piv;pi symbol
ϒ&upsih;upsilon with hook symbol
¨&uml; ou &die;diaeresis
.&period;full stop
´&acute;acute accent
`&grave;grave accent
˝&dblac;double acute
˚&ring;ring above
ˆ&circ;circumflex accent
˜&tilde;small tilde
·&middot;middle dot
¦&brvbar;broken bar
§&sect;section sign
&para;pilcrow sign